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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

ISPSO AM 2024 Conference

1 July - 7 July, 2024
Sofia, Bulgaria


ReflectionS on Intellectual Themes

This initiative is a response to our president’s desire to create spaces during the course of the annual meeting for us to discuss our emerging learning inspired by each day’s program.  Traditionally, intellectual content has been present in formal events  (i.e. workshop presentations, plenaries and parallel papers) and in our endless informal conversations.
This year, we want to make a new kind of space for integrating our learning.

Senior ISPSO members Thibault de Swarte, Elisabet Engellau and Jim Krantz will be present at these sessions to help us make links and discover new learnings. 

All participants are warmly invited to attend and actively participate in this face-to-face event.  And we will see what will emerge.  These sessions will take place at 6:00 PM, at the end of each workshop day (Monday to Wednesday) and also on Friday and Saturday, after the symposium program.

As chair, I will convene each session. Our schedule is as follows:
Monday, July 1:  Elisabeth and Jim
Tuesday, July 2:  Elisabeth and Thibault
Wednesday, July 3:  Jim and Thibault
Friday, July 5:  Elisabeth, Jim and Thibault
Saturday, July 6:  Elisabeth, Jim and Thibault

On Sunday morning, as part of the closing ceremony, we will offer our thoughts on the value of this experience.
This innovation is not only about thoughts and ideas, but also an opportunity to learn from one another and to meet new and old colleagues in an informal, creative and nonjudgmental space.

As chair of this event, I hope very much to see you there.
Rose Mersky

Reflection Leaders