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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

ISPSO AM 2024 Conference

1 July - 7 July, 2024
Sofia, Bulgaria


ISPSO Members' Day 2024

Members' Day takes place on the Thursday before the Symposium starts. Its task is to sharpen our conceptualization of our field and to address ongoing ISPSO matters. It addresses the condition of our field of work, as well as the state of our organization. A core component of Members’ Day is the ISPSO Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Members’ Day Programme
Thursday 4th July 2024
Times are in EEST

10:00 – 12:00 Annual General Meeting
12:00 – 13:00 Books and Their Civilizing Content
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 17:00 "ISPSO on the Couch" - Adapted Listening Post
18:00 – 19:30 Reception hosted by the Board to celebrate “40 Years of Curiosity”. The reception will include a panel discussion with Past Presidents Susan Long, Stanley Gold, Larry Hirschhorn, Rose Mersky, James Krantz, Simon Western and Steen Visholm. Moderator: Jeremy Vine

The Members' Day programme is open to all ISPSO Members who have paid their dues. The day can be attended in-person and online. 
The link to access the AGM and Members Day (online) will be sent following the official ISPSO AGM invitation and RSVP sent to members by the Board.


We would like to invite ISPSO members to attend the 2024 ISPSO Annual General Meeting (AGM) taking place in Sofia Bulgaria during the AM2024 on 4th of July 2024.

Time:  Sofia – 10 am (EEST) 
New York 3.00 am (EDT)
London 8am (BST)
Berlin 9am (CEST)
Moscow 10am (MSK)
New Delhi 12.30pm (IST)
Singapore 3pm (SGT)
Melbourne 5.00pm (AEST) 


  1. Welcome remarks by Irena Izotova, President (10 min)
  2. Brief presentations of all individual board member’s reports (30 min)
  3. Q and A session on the Finance Committee findings and recommendations (20 min)
  4. Introduction and welcome to new members who have joined since the 2023 AM (5 min)
  5. Farewell and thanks to leaving board members (5 min)
  6. Introduction and welcome to new board members (5 min)
  7. Distinguished Member Award (5 min)
  8. The BridgerAward (5min)
  9. Open member’s focused debate – ISPSO governance and strategic development (30 min)
  10.   AM25 in Philadelphia update (5min)
  11.   Any Other Business 



Given the theme of AM2024 ‘Civilizations and their discontents, it becomes appropriate to make sense of our Society by using an adaptation of OPUS, Listening Post (Khaleelee & Stapley, 2013). The theme for Members’ Day is ‘ISPSO on the Couch.’

Members will be invited to share their preoccupations and experiences of ISPSO as we attempt to identify common themes that may unite us or, on the other hand, keep us divided. We will use those themes to develop working hypotheses that may explain in some small part what could be happening in ISPSO – beneath the surface - at an unconscious level.

Times are in EEST

14:00-14:40 Opening and Part 1: Members are invited to share their pre-occupations and lived experiences of ISPSO.
14:40-15:00 Part 2: Members are invited to generate themes & working hypotheses.
15:00-15:30 Part 3: Members are invited to share working hypotheses supported by the theme(s).
15:30-16:00 Part 4: Members engage in a facilitated dialogue.
16:00-16:20 Break
16:20-17:00 Part 5: Members produce a symbol, or metaphor, or drawing and initiative / suggestion to help the Board in its work going forward.
17:00 Adapted Listening Post closes

Convenor: Dr Adrian Parsadh
Co-convenors: Shanshan Zhang, Jeremy Vine, Irene O’ Byrne Maguire, and Sari Mattila


Reception hosted by the Board

To celebrate “40 Years of Curiosity”.

The reception will include a panel discussion with Past Presidents Larry Hirschhorn, Rose Mersky, Susan Long, James Krantz, Stanley Gold, Simon Western and Steen Visholm. Panel moderator: Jeremy Vine
This is an in-person event only.

Times are in EEST

18:00 Welcome reception drinks
18:15 Move to seating and tables
18:20 Panel discussion begins on ISPSO’s 40 Years of Curiosity. Seven past Presidents will share their memories, experiences, and reflections in a session to celebrate our first 40 years of annual meetings
19:10 Reception continues. Mingle with colleagues and friends, old and new
19:30 Reception ends



Join us for The ISPSO Annual Meeting