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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021


Welcome to this series of professional development podcasts produced by The International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, featuring long time ISPSO members who are luminaries in our field.

These conversations, hosted by ISPSO Board member Aaron Nurick, explore themes, ideas, and insights of these scholars and practitioners who apply theories, principles, and practices of psychoanalysis and psychodynamic thinking to organizational life.

Containment is a crucial aspect of leadership and organisational dynamics. Leaders need to provide a stable and supportive presence to help manage the anxieties and risks that arise in their organisations. When containment is lacking, consultants may be pulled into filling the gap, but their role should be to coach and support leaders, not to take over their responsibilities. Recognising the importance of containment and addressing any impairments can lead to more effective leadership and organisational performance. Read more

Like people, organisations can develop perversions. The perverse state of mind often manifests as a resistance to change and a strong focus on individual pleasure at the expense of the collective good. Accomplices within an organisation can further perpetuate and reinforce this perverse dynamic. Understanding and recognising these dynamics can help us navigate and address systemic issues within organisations more effectively.
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Understanding unconscious processes, such as projection and projective identification, is crucial in navigating and improving interpersonal relationships within organisations. Additionally, the concept of scapegoating and the inevitability of having a scapegoat in organisations should be acknowledged and taken into account for a better understanding of organisational dynamics. 
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A psychoanalytic study of organisations involves working with emotional experiences within individuals and groups, as well as the organisation itself. It requires a deep engagement between the consultant, client, and the organisation, where insights and meaning can emerge through shared experiences and understanding. It is important to avoid solely focusing on individual pathology and instead recognise the interplay between personal and organisational dynamics.
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The Neurotic Organisation
Manfred Kets de Vries

Manfred Kets de Vries has had a diverse and influential career, spanning the fields of leadership development, organisational change, psychoanalysis, and psychiatry. His experiences and studies have shaped his understanding of leadership, organisational dynamics, and the interface between management and psychology.He has made significant contributions through his writings, teachings, and involvement in organisations like ISPSO. 
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Group dynamics and processes within working groups are complex and multifaceted. It is important to consider the impact of different factors such as individual anxieties, power dynamics, task orientation, and the balance between structure and chaos. Understanding these dynamics can help us navigate and effectively lead or participate in working groups, promoting collaboration, creativity, and productive outcomes.
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