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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021


Episode: The Repair of the Container
Interview with Marisa Guerin
By Aaron Nurick
Recorded 8 September 2023 

Episode description

Containment is a crucial aspect of leadership and organisational dynamics. Leaders need to provide a stable and supportive presence to help manage the anxieties and risks that arise in their organisations. When containment is lacking, consultants may be pulled into filling the gap, but their role should be to coach and support leaders, not to take over their responsibilities. Recognising the importance of containment and addressing any impairments can lead to more effective leadership and organisational performance.
Marisa Guerin has worked as a consultant with executives and leadership teams of over 50 client organisations, including corporations, family businesses, nonprofits, and religious organisations. Marisa has expertise in areas like planning, strategy, leadership effectiveness, and organisational performance. She has also held various leadership roles in corporate, executive, academic, and nonprofit settings. Marisa is a long-time member and former board member of the ISPSO, and joins Aaron to discuss her work.


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(same interview as the audio)