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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

Member's Benefits


When becoming a member of ISPSO, we are offering a number of financial and non-financial benefits.
We think it is the greatest community with invaluable opportunities for exchange on many different levels with regard to psychoanalytic thinking and working with organizations. Please consider joining us!

Benefits include:

  • Discounts on Annual Meeting registration (saving of US$85-125 per conference), attendance to the annual members' meeting and reception;
  • Discount registration to selected Regional Events;
  • Annual and Regional meeting involvement in establishment & organisation of events;
  • Listserve access, e.g. for ideas exchange 
  • Members News: posting your work, your papers, books, podcasts and events to the public or to members only
  • Website access to the members-only sections including; the right to contribute papers and references to the ISPSO Resource Library,  review past event history and access to members-only documents;
  • Journals, currently members can receive;
    - Organizational and Social Dynamics (Digital or post) 
    - Socioanalysis (Digital copy);
  • Right to be nominated for ISPSO Board positions;
  • Networking in this inspiring and growing community;
  • Local study groups on key issues and concepts,
  • Reduced memberships fees for students and those currently on low incomes. 
  • Eligibility for the Annual Meeting Scholarship Fund


Membership in ISPSO is open to all who are interested in our purpose of “exploring how psychoanalytic thinking and practices can further our study of organizations and the wider social influences that impact them.” This includes the study of unconscious and conscious dynamics at play in organizations. These may include culture, leadership, followership, emotions, authority, power relations, roles, teams, networks, stakeholder relations, creativity, innovation, identity, structures, and organizational change.

We also study how wider psycho-social conditions are impacted by various forces, including, technology, globalization, and local conditions, and how changing societal dynamics such as gender and identity impact organizational dynamics. Our international membership consists of consultants, academics, clinicians, coaches, managers, leaders, students and others who apply psychoanalysis to their work. ISPSO has a diverse mixture of members with a rich exchange of ideas, best-practices, theories, knowledge, and experiences.


  • when you have a deep interest in our field
  • when you are willing to learn from others and contribute your own knowledge 
  • when you have a training or are in the middle of a training in our field 
  • or when you have undergone a psychoanalysis/psychoanalytic psychotherapy
Membership Qualifications
Membership in ISPSO is open to individuals from diverse academic disciplines, professions, nationalities, and theoretical or ideological perspectives. To be eligible, prospective members must demonstrate a good understanding of and/or an active interest in psychoanalytic processes and their applications to individuals, groups, organizations, and society.
This can be evidenced by one or more of the following criteria:
  • Personal analysis or psychodynamic psychotherapy
  • Participation in psycho-dynamically oriented experiential learning
  • Publication of papers in areas relevant to ISPSO’s interests
  • Evidence of psychoanalytically informed organizational consulting
  • Completion of academic work, such as a dissertation, in a related area
  • Completion of psychodynamic or psychoanalytic training
We welcome applicants who meet these criteria and share our commitment to exploring and advancing the understanding of psychoanalytic processes in diverse contexts.

The Board reviews all applications and decides about admission.

After acceptance into ISPSO, please pay your annual membership dues. The following is the  ISPSO fee structure. We have four Membership Fee categories, they all have the same benefits. You can choose the one that best fits your current circumstance.

  • Full Membership: at USD $ 275 -  the expected standard fee for most members unless you have a reason for paying a lower fee
  • Full Membership - 3 Years: at USD $ 742 - a three-year option at a discounted rate (10% off).
  • Reduced Fee Membership: at USD $ 190 -  for members facing unusual personal life situations making it difficult to pay the standard fee this year.
  • Low Fee Membership: at USD$ 110 - for full-time students, unemployed members, or retired members.

If you are living under very special circumstances as in war or in a country in economic crisis, the fee can be reduced to what is possible. Please contact for application.

We look forward to receiving your application. Thank you!


Please note that the membership application approval process usually takes about 3 weeks.