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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021


Episode: Meaning Found and Meaning Lost
Interview with David Armstrong
By Aaron Nurick
Recorded 28 September 2023

Episode description
A psychoanalytic study of organisations involves working with emotional experiences within individuals and groups, as well as the organisation itself. It requires a deep engagement between the consultant, client, and the organisation, where insights and meaning can emerge through shared experiences and understanding. It is important to avoid solely focusing on individual pathology and instead recognise the interplay between personal and organisational dynamics.

David Armstrong is an associate with Tavistock Consulting and was previously a principal and senior research fellow at the Tavistock Institute. David has a background in psychology and social psychology. The paper he discusses with Aaron explores the psychoanalytic approach in understanding organisations and their emotional dynamics. David's work involves engaging with clients in organisations, focusing on emotional experiences and the interplay between individuals, consultants, and the organisation itself.


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(same interview as the audio)
