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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

ISPSO AM 2024 Conference

1 July - 7 July, 2024
Sofia, Bulgaria


KEYNOTE - PlenarY - Panel

STAN GOLD - Paul Hogget/Rebecca Nestor
Panel (Rica Viljoen/Petros Oratis/Ajeet Mathur/Martin Ringer)


KEYNOTE -  Dr. Stan Gold
Friday 5 July 2024
11.30am-1.00pm EEST


Sterilise: To make barren, to deprive of fecundity or the power of production-----"Go sterilise the fertile with thy rage". - Samuel Johnson.

Ever since Freud published 'Civilisation and it's Discontents' in 1930, a politically significant time for European civilization, we have been unable to ignore the dichotomy between the developmental advantages for group life at the cost of individual deprivations. Inevitably, the nature of conflict around decision making has preoccupied organisations of all kinds. 
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PLENARY - Paul Hoggett & Rebecca Nestor
Is Western Civilisation Against Nature?
Saturday 6 July 2024
9.15am-10.30am EEST
CE Credits Available

In this dialogue Paul Hoggett and Rebecca Nestor will examine the repercussions of the deepening climate crisis for political, social, individual and ecological stability across the globe.
Bearing in mind Bion’s specific usage of the terms, the question will be put whether Western civilisation in its modernist/colonial phase is a fundamentally parasitic one both in terms of human to nature and human to human relations. In contrast what might symbiotic relations mean in our times?Read more

Adaption or Alienation: Exploring Civilizations' Responses to the Polarisation Divide
Panel Dr Rica Viljoen (chair), Petros Oratis, Ajeet Mathur & Martin Ringer
Sunday 7 July 2024
9.15am-10.30am EEST
CE Credits Available

Polarisation is ubiquitous in human affairs and underpins a huge amount of discrimination, persecution and conflict. This occurs at many levels;  from the intrapersonal, through the interpersonal, into groups and organisations, between groups and organizations and at national and international levels. Civilizations enact their discontent in part through polarisation. Hence, exploring the dynamics of polarisation may help to empower us to act as consultants to ameliorate its consequent negative effects.
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