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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

ISPSO AM 2024 Conference

1 July - 7 July, 2024
Sofia, Bulgaria


Books and their CiviliZing Contents

A proposal to incorporate books into the ISPSO Annual Symposium 2024

The purpose of this aspect of the Annual Meeting program is to provide conceptual and theoretical context and depth to our thinking and reflection about paper presentations connected to the overall theme of the AM: Civilizations and Their Discontents. Our plan is to interweave these main threads of ideas from important works into the fabric of our discussions. During the symposium, we will incorporate ideas from books as part of end-of-day reflections.

We request that you bring forward a book that has had a significant impact on your thinking about the psychoanalytic study of organizations. If possible, please bring a copy of the book with you to the Annual Meeting or have it with you online.

In addition, we will set up a designated space in the meeting venue where ISPSO authors and editors can display posters that describe their books, provide a demonstration copy if they wish, or simply enjoy conversation related to the books with their colleagues. This activity will be separate from the publishers’ book sales area.

Aaron Nurick
Coordinator, Book integration program