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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

ISPSO AM 2025 Conference

Bryn Mawr College
25 June - 29 June 2025
Philadelphia, USA


The aim of The International Society for Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO) is to explore organizational research, insights of consultation and experiences utilizing the lens of psychoanalysis.
Our membership comes from all over the world and shares the common interest of studying and working with organizations and their leaders from a psycho- and sociodynamic perspective. 
ISPSO holds an annual meeting and symposium, locally and regionally organized meetings and an ongoing online-dialogue to encourage scholarship, research and consulting in the field. The annual meeting is held in various places around the world and brings together interested people to discuss and debate leadership and organizational experiences, using a psychoanalytic framework. 

Our Practices

The psychoanalytic study of organizations utilizes psychoanalysis and related approaches as a practice of analysis and intervention in organizations and its leadership. In studying psycho- and sociodynamic processes, we aim to understand the inner “life” of organizations as those in it.

This may occur at the level of individuals, groups, organizations, culture and/or society, We explore as observers, participant researchers, consultants and coaches together with the members of the organization the conscious and unconscious mechanisms creating and shaping the actual life of organizations. 

For more details see:

Join us for The ISPSO Annual Meeting