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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021


25 JUNE - 29 JUNE 2025


Become a Sponsor of ISPSO and ITS ANNUAL Conference

Annual Sponsorship and Exhibiting Opportunities:


Founded in 1983, The International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO) is the professional organisation advancing the study and use of psychoanalysis in organisations. ISPSO has a global reach, with a large cohort of members in the United States, Europe and other nations across the world. Our members comprise academics, researchers, clinicians, coaches, consultants, psychoanalysts, psychologists and trainers that engage with companies and institutions to enhance their effectiveness.

Annual Meeting 2025

The Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations (ISPSO) – June 25 to 29, 2025 – offers a unique opportunity for organisations and sponsors to explore current workplace challenges through the lens of psychoanalytic insight.

The keynote presentation by Christophe Dejours, a world-renowned psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, will provide invaluable perspectives on how organisations can address the critical issues of the “Return to the Workplace” and the “Great Resignation”.

The five-day ISPSO Annual Meeting will be held both in person in Philadelphia and online. It will be broadcast by a professional team in real time and quality recordings will be available during and after the event.

As a sponsor, you’ll be front and centre of ISPSO members and followers throughout the year. The meeting is attended and viewed by organisational consultants, psychoanalysts, psychologists, clinicians, academics, researchers and graduate students who work in private practice, consulting firms, clinics, academic institutions and training institutes, as well as from many other areas.


For more details EMAIL:

align your brand with ISPSO's Annual Meeting

  • You want to build your organisation’s capacity to meet the workplace challenges of today and send the message to your people that you are a thought leader.
  • You are a supplier of services to the fields of psychology, business, psychoanalysis, consultation, training and development, organisational psychology and development or social justice.

Our members and attendees are interested in learning about your unique offer. You may be a

  1. Publisher in the fields of psychology, business and leadership books and journals,
  2. Supplier of assessment, coaching, consulting, psychological and training and development products and services.
  3. Provider of certification and degree programs in the areas of psychoanalysis, consultation, training and development, organisational psychology/development and social justice.