Online Conference 5-11 July 2021
25 June - 29 June 2025
Philadelphia, USA
Philip Boxer: Re-Balancing Ecosystems: What Does it Take to do Justice and Why the Counter-Resistance?
Irina Brazhnikova: Can Seeking Justice Lead to More Injustice?
Elizabeth Danto: Freud’s Free Clinics: The Social Justice Framework for Psychoanalysis
Tatiana Ezhova: Psychodynamic of Totalitarian Relations
Andrea Foot & Fiona Martin: Generative AI, Access to Justice and Holding an Ethical Stance: Psychoanalytic Exploration of the Early Stage Responses to Generative AI in the Justice System
Jerry Fromm: "Something Clinical is Missing": Large Group Identity, Basic Assumption Totalism and Reflective Space
András Gelei & Judit Gáspár: Applying Socioanalytic Methods to Explore Organizational (In)Justice: A Self-Reflective Case-Study of a Whole-Scale Organizational Change at a University
Kara Hayward & Shanti Nayak: Organizational Mythology in Nonprofits: Giving Us Purpose, Holding Us Back
Manon de Jongh & Morten Svalgaard Nielsen: Doing Justice to the Voices Within the Institutional Theatre?
Sophia Léonard & Moritz Senarclens de Grancy: “It’s (Not) the Mother (Earth)” – Bypassing Phantasmas of Omnipotence Through Negation
Martin Luedemann: How can the Psychoanalytical Concept of the Group-as-a-Whole Support Leaders in Engagement With Groups to Encourage Just Behaviour?
Anna Makhova: Leadership Justice and Attachment Styles: A Psychoanalytic Examination of Family Repetitions and Group Attachment in Workplace Dynamics
Belinda Mandelbaum: Brazilian Psychoanalytic Institutions Under Military Rule (1964-1985): Connivance and Resistance
Thea Mikkelsen: Personal and Organizational Justice in the Creative Industries
Katrina Monton & Debra Noumair: Exploring Covert Team Dynamics in High Performance Sport: A Systems Psychodynamic Perspective
Eliza Orleans & Debbie Bing: Team Turmoil: Navigating Conflict in Contemporary Organizations
Igor Ostapenko: Healing Through Integration: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Organizational Justice in the Merger of Two Companies
Olga Piasecka-Niec & Iwona Soltysinska: Weaving Social Fabric on War's Wound: A Systemic Psychodynamic Study of Swietlica Debniki's Community Engagement
Gustavo Sánchez, Matías Sanfuentas & Francisco Valenzuela: The Fantasy of Merit: Analyzing the Logics of Career Self-Management Discourse at a Privatized Company
Howard Schwartz: Sexuality and Alienation
Rodric Smith: Leadership Development and Role Success (LDRS) Program: A Case Study on Use of Group Relations in Leadership Development to Advance Justice
Frances Unsell, Amy Simon & John Whaley: Nothing Happens in A Vacuum: Using Psychoanalytic, Systemic and Cultural Lenses in Public Opinion Research
Akansha Arora & Fiona Martin: Leaders, Organizations, and Justice: Navigating Social Defenses in a Post-Pandemic World
Dr. Leon Clark: How do we Forgive - Justice or Revenge? Forgiveness at Work
Nini Kerr: Revisiting Taiwan’s Authoritarian Past Through Freud’s Ego and the Id
Richard Morgan-Jones: Where Health and Justice Meet in the Work Force: Organisational Consulting to a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital
Sally Weintrobe: With Climate in Mind: Psychoanalytic Reflections on Climate Breakdown