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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

South Africa 2023

Tsoseletso. Resurfacing Soul, Circularity and Spirituality in Organisations.

Publisher Location:

ISPSO 39th Annual Meeting
26th June- 2nd July 2022
Face-to-face and Online & Hybrid events
Venue: 26 degrees south, Johannesburg, South Africa


Program Overview | Workshops | Parallel Papers | Keynotes

Tsoseletso. Resurfacing Soul, Circularity and Spirituality in Organisations

This is an opportunity to explore the interplay of traditional and postmodern psychoanalytic theory and African wisdom to yield understanding to resurface, reimagine, reawaken soul and spirituality in organisations.

We aim to further the intent of ISPSO to share organizational research, consultation and experiences utilizing the lens of psycho- and sociodynamic thinking. Not only will we celebrate the 40th year of existence of the society, we also hope to further ongoing discussions on the topic and encourage scholarship and research in the field of study.

We welcome practitioners (consultants and leaders), academics (teachers and researchers) and clinicians interested in psychoanalytic work in organisations to engage in professional development workshops, paper presentations, panel discussions, social dreaming and other events and enhance our exploration on how psychoanalytical thinking can further our understanding of organisations and the wider societal influences that impact them.

This is a residential conference. We will stream papers, keynotes and panels for those who cannot come. Some of the workshops may also be virtual workshops – but it is not a fully-fledged hybrid conference.

Ultimately, we hope that the event in South Africa, can contribute to the promotion and the support of functional, healthier, more humane and better performing organisations.

Warm wishes and we hope to meet you at the 2023 AM at 26 degrees south, Johannesburg.
Come and join us please, we would like to share our true African hospitality with you!!

Dr Rica Viljoen, Co-chair
with the AM2023 Organising Committee; Thabo Mofomme, Prof Michelle May, Dr Adrian Parsadh, Dr Calum McComb


  • Anchored in the ISPSO strategic Intent of integration - which stands for giving different psychoanalytic schools of thought which study organizations an umbrella home at ISPSO
  • Interplay of traditional and postmodern psychoanalytical theory and African wisdom
  • Inquiry into the phenomenon of soul, circularity and spirituality through theoretical lenses such as Jungian, Freudian, Lacanian, Object Relationist's thought and later contemporary authors and lenses
  • Integrating African Spiritual Consciousness – looking at positionality and identity in time, space and context
  • Resurfacing, reawakening, restoration organisations - Tsosoletso