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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

AM24-PDW4: A kaleidoscope of differences - an integral psycho-analytical approach - Spiral Dynamics in Action


Professional Development Workshop: PDW 4
Monday 1 July 2024
9.15am to 5.45pm EEST

A kaleidoscope of differences – an integral psycho-analytical approach - Spiral Dynamics in Action

Facilitator: Dr Rica Viljoen

This one-day professional development workshop (PDW) is focuses on an interplay between Gravesian Theory, Jungian Thought and systems psycho-analytical practice. It interviews the new science of memetics with Gravesian Value Systems to form “value memes” or ”vMemes” which craft a frame of transformational change in spaces where diverse worldviews often lead to the constellation of various defence mechanisms and dysfunctional behaviour in systems.

During the 2023 AM in South Africa a paper presentation was delivered. The participants of the presentation requested for a PDW to be delivered at the next AM on the topic.
Humanity is facing up to some hard truths. We have some powerful choices to make. Many will be political, some religious, and others educational. Most of these changes has an interface with organisational life and manifest in the unconscious of this domain.
An exploration of how we polarise, pair, fight and flight may support both leaders and practitioners to optimise organisational behaviour on individual, group and collective level.

By exploring and describing the core intelligences and deep-thinking systems that flow beneath what we believe and do, the PDW offers a profoundly incisive, dynamic perspective on complex integral system matters such as:

■ HOW people think about things (as opposed to “what” they think)
■ WHY people make decisions in different ways
■ WHY people respond to different motivators
■ WHY and HOW values arise and spread
■ The nature of CHANGE and how to UNDERSTAND DIVERSITY

The PDW looks at what goes on beneath-the-surface in work teams and how this affects people and their performance.

Methodological choices
During this PDW methodologies such as storytelling (Brown, 2005; Viljoen, 2016), dialoguing (Viljoen, 2019) and case analysis (Jin, 2021). An interactive, integral approach will be utilise to share theory, rich conversations and derive meta-insights about civilisations and how they assimilate and oppose; in their organisational interface.

Theoretical underpinning
The PDW is underpinned by primary theory such as The Emergent Cyclical, Phenomenological, Existential Double-Helix Levels of Existence Conception of Adult Human Behaviour (1978); Inclusivity theory, (Viljoen, 2016), Jungian archetypes (Goren-Bar, 2018) and systems psycho-analytical work (Bion, 1975; Cilliers (2002, 2013). Development of Nations and the interface of this context with organisations will help participants to explore adaptive capability of organisations.

Outcomes of the session
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but ignorance is worse. Laloux’s (2014) book on Reimagine Organisations will be discussed and participants will be encourage to take authority of their own positionality, identity and intersectionality as it pertains to roles in organisations.
Merging adult development theory, human reference theory, integral psychology, and systems psycho-analytical thought it into wisdom that can be applied across boundaries of contexts and industries; may result in the worthwhile embodiment of the organisations in which they operate.

Biographical Summary

Dr Rica Viljoen’s research on inclusivity, which was a significant aspect of her doctoral thesis, gained widespread recognition for its potential impact in the field of Management, Spirituality and Religion. In 2008, the Academy of Management acknowledged her model as one of the ten most promising contributions to the field. Since then, this approach, which emphasises listening to the voices of the entire social system, has been successfully implemented in 42 countries, engaging more than 100000 participants.

Due to her contributions, Rica received the prestigious CEO award from the Institute of People Management (IPM), both nationally and internationally. She was further recognised by the South African Board of People Practices for her contribution to the field of study. She is an associate with the Meridian University, San Francisco. She supervised more than 100 PhDs and Masters Studies.

Apart from her academic endeavours, Rica was the founder member of Mandala Consulting a respected organisation dedicated to organisational development and research. She worked closely with the late Dr Don Beck and Dr Loraine Laubscher on geo-political trends and their impact on individuals and the organisations they belong to. She established the Centre of Human Emergence: Africa and has become an international recognised thought leader in spiral dynamics and integral research. She is a certified Jungian Coach and a systems psychodynamic informed consultant. She serves on the board of the SABPP as vice chair for the last two terms and was recently selected to the international board of the International Society for the Psycho-analytical studies in Organisations (ISPSO). Rica chairs the LQA subcommittee of the SABPP. She also joined the board of the Don Beck Spiral Dynamics Integral with the purpose to further the field of study and is a senior research member in a project to revisit the Graves archives. She is the Ambassador for the Global South for the International Compassion Coalition.

Rica is widely published. The book Spiral Dynamics In Action is translated in 9 languages. She consults to organisations in relation to Inclusivity, Culture and strategic HR issues. She is a post-merger and acquisition specialist. Rica is a sought after Jungian and Integral Executive Coach. Her purpose in life is to listen to untold stories and facilitate the gaining of voice in individuals and the organisations in which they function.