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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

AM24-PDW18: Attachment at Work


Professional Development Workshop: PDW 18
Wednesday 3 July 2024
2.30pm to 5.45pm EEST

Attachment at Work

Facilitator: Beth Neustadt


This half-day workshop is designed with a particular focus on one theory, Attachment Theory, and one practice, Business Coaching, through which to appreciate both the value and the challenges associated with making use of theory in practice.

Attachment Theory has spawned an expansive multi-disciplinary academic and popular literature. However, popular applications often treat Attachment as if it were a Personality theory. We will explore, together, ways of understanding and making use of this theory that are not personality based, and are particularly well suited to Coaching.

The workshop will include some didactic input, but primarily will entail experiential learning and facilitated reflection.

Within the constraints of this short workshop, the aims are:

  • to provide participants with an illustrative experience of Kurt Lewin's observation that there is nothing so practical as a good theory
  • to foster insights about themselves as practitioners
  • along with the learning, to have some fun

As currently envisaged, this workshop is designed for up to 12 participants. Individuals who are considering joining ISPSO will be most welcome, as will current ISPSO members looking for a refresh. Depending upon take-up, Beth may deliver this workshop with a colleague from the Trust.

Biographical Summary:

Beth Neustadt, MBA, PhD.
Beth has her own consulting and coaching practice and is employed part time leading the Tavistock Consulting Executive Coaching Programme at the Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust. She holds individual coaching accreditation at senior practitioner level, awarded by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council. Her doctoral research, anchored in Attachment Theory, entailed developing and validating a psychometric measure of attachment at work.