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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

ISPSO Melbourne Regional Event - Thursday 7 November 2024

October 13, 2024 / 5 mins read

Join us for a professional development workshop to share and build on our mutual learning, followed by a collegial dinner. This event is in-person only.


WORKSHOP: 2.00pm arrival for 2.15 - 6.30 pm

WORKSHOP OPENING: 2.15 - 2.20 pm

SESSION 1: 2.20 - 3.35 pm
Making sense of the (in)justice system, Nuala Dent & Anita Tan

This paper examines dynamics within the justice sector. It uses a case study to highlight inherent paradoxes within the system. The strong hierarchical structure with the justice system focuses on law enforcement while upholding conflicting notions of 'right' and 'wrong.' We argue that this structure fosters a culture that rewards conformity and penalizes difference, creating resistance to ambiguity and innovation. Key themes include tensions between collaborative and directive leadership, authority relations, power and privilege. Vignettes and theory are used to illustrate these group dynamics.

SESSION 2: 3.45 - 5.00 pm
The oceanic private life: organisational and personal development, James Walker

The focus of this presentation is the accommodation of what at first glance seem polar opposites: the desire for a sense of wholeness in life, and the momentum toward an increasingly private life. Reconciling Freud’s discussion of the ‘oceanic feeling’, with Michael Frayn’s 1960’s novel, ‘A Very Private Life’, provide a starting point for reflection on the requirement and often desire, for effective remote interpersonal connections. This presentation reviews Freud and Frayn’s contributions and provides examples of corporate and personal dynamics through which we seek connectedness without physical community. Implications for management, organisations, personal satisfaction, and creativity, are addressed and considered in discussion groups.

SESSION 3: 5.10 - 6.25 pm
Life after, Mary Burgess

Mary Burgess will present a paper reflecting on her work creating 'transitional object's after someone has died in a family. Mary works with her clients around their loss using handweaving to create new textiles from the clothes of loved family members. You will be invited to consider possible parallels in relation to life after the loss of organisational roles for your clients. The paper will explore different kinds of holding that Mary's process offers and consider questions of transitional phenomena. Mary has worked extensively as a socio-analytic consultant and was a member of ISPSO for 15 years.

WORKSHOP CLOSE: 6.25 - 6.30 pm

DINNER: 6.30 pm arrival for 7.00 pm start

In addition to enjoying general collegiality, there will be an opportunity to continue the conversation from the workshop sessions, reflect on the 2024 Annual Meeting and think our way into the 2025 Annual Meeting.


Upstairs at the The Kent Hotel, 370 Rathdowne St, Carlton, 3053


The Workshop is $15 for ISPSO Members and $45 for Non-Members
Dinner $75 (2 courses) with drinks at bar prices.


Please register by COB Thursday 31 October. Click here to register.
We ask that you don't register multiple people in one booking as it creates administrative difficulties for us.

Enquiries to Nuala or Rob

Nuala Dent,
Rob Ryan,