Please join us at the Eco-leadership Institute online webinar series Tue Sep 5th (4-6pm UK) for a webinar by Nicola Wreford-Howard:
Exploring Patterns of Connection
Nicola invites us to explore patterns of connection in consultancy through emergence and design, working with dreams as a guiding source of creativity and integration in strategy and transformation processes. Please bring along a (night time) dream to hold in mind and to explore with other participants in connection to the theme of the webinar
Nicola will give a brief overview of history and application of Social Dreaming. She will then present some past and ongoing experiences designing and facilitating transitional learning spaces using adaptive systemic design with systems psychodynamic approaches.
Some questions we may address together are:
How do we envision, design and hold ‘good enough’ spaces for creative organisational transformation?
How do we notice and work with social defenses playing out in different parts?
How do we balance emergent energy towards integration and development?
How can shared dreams serve as ‘transitional space’ in transformation processes?
For more information on this webinar, click here: