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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

AM24 - draft recording status

July 15, 2024 / 5 mins read
The ISPSO 40th Annual Meeting & Symposium in Sofia, Bulgaria has concluded.
AM2024 Recordings Status
Scroll to find the respective "room" on left of screen (or click status link) and open the video in the Recording TAB.
Video RecordingStatus
Members Day - Annual General Meeting Active
Members Day - ISPSO on the couch: adapted listening post Editing
Opening : Symposium Opening Active
Closing: Symposium and AM close including Reflections on Intellectual Themes & Bridger Award Editing
Plenary 1: Keynote with Stan Gold Active
Plenary 2: Dialogue with Rebecca Nestor and Paul Hoggett Active
Plenary 3: Panel with Dr Rica Viljoen (chair),Petros Oratis, Ajeet Mathur & Martin Ringer Active
Thea Mikkelsen (Paper) Looking for sources of innovation, transformation and new positive futures in the creative industries pending
Courtney Rennicke (Paper) The Psychedelic Balcony: Phantastic Object or Simply Fantastic? Active
Martin Ringer & András Gelei (Paper) Communication and the civilising process: A case study from within ISPSO pending
Rica Viljoen (Paper) Containment of discontent and clashes of civilizations – the South African Crucible pending
Nick Waggett (Paper) More-than human relations: technology as an actor in our discontented organizations and civilizations Active
Moritz Senarclens de Grancy (Paper) Navigating the Edge: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Living Organizations Active
Charlotte Williams (Paper) Politics of Difference - Uses and Abuses. Active
Brazhnikova, Mersky & Shapovalova (Paper) “Not alone in the trauma” The value of the Social Photo-Matrix and Social Dream-Drawing Methodologies for groups and teams in disturbed times. editing
Manon de Jongh (Paper) Citizens Assemblies as a representative forum for civilizations and their discontents - working with conscious and unconscious dynamics in societal challenges and dilemmas pending
McKelvie, Mitchell, McKinney, Nossal & Mussared (Paper) Overcoming the discontents of hybrid working editing
Petros Oratis (Paper) Who takes care of co-existence at the collapse of social order? Exploring polarization in connection to the promise of radical laterality and the collapse of hierarchies. Active
Igor Ambrožic (Paper) River of Division and Integration - dialogue among Slovenian and Serbian tripartite matrices Active
Mark Stein (Paper) The Tavistock work discussion group method: Using a group method to promote curiosity in work with discontented organisations. Active
Simon Western (Paper) Civilising the Discontents Beyond salvation: the psychosocial dynamics of humanitarians Active
Wally Fletcher (Paper) Freud’s Psychoanalysis of Racial, Gender and Other Forms of Systemic Othering with Some Implications for Contemporary Organizational Leadership and Consulting Active
Adrian Parsadh (Paper) Exploring the confluence of systems psychodynamics group coaching with a career leadership model. editing
Steen Visholm (Paper) Stop the idealization of acceleration and complexity. A framework and a few building blocks for how to work with strategy, implementation, and intervention from a systems psychodynamic point of view editing
Jeffrey Axelbank (Paper) Psychoanalytic Understanding of the Effectiveness of Future Search Active
Ron Spielman (Paper) Civilisation and its Malcontents. editing
Alina Sokolova (Paper) Polarization as a regressed defense mechanism against unbearable anxiety driven by emerged unreliability of current social systems due to lack of trust. pending

Where a recording is listed as "Active (unedited)" that video is raw footage, scheduled for very minor trimming and captions.
If presentations do not appear on this list - they were not recorded, or not of suitable video or audio quality.