Online Conference 5-11 July 2021
Dr. phil. Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Supervisorin (DGSv), Lehrsupervisorin, Senior Coach (DBVC). 1977-1982 Director of Instruction Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics in Atlanta, Georgia, USA 1982-1992 High-School-Teacher in Dusseldorf, Germany Since 1993 Private practice as psychological psychotherapist, Since 1998 Freelancer as counsellor, supervisor, coach Since 1999 Director of the education curriculum for professional coaches at the "Institute Psychodynamic Organizational development + Personnel Management Dussldorf e.V." (POP), 1999 License as Psychological Psychotherapist in depth-psychology Seit 2001 Lecturer at the "Heinrich-Heine-Universitat Dusseldorf" Seit 2002 Chair of the Institute Psychodynamic Organizational development + Personnel Management Dusseldorf e.V." (POP), Honorary Activities: Deputy Chairperson of the "Akademie for Psychoanalyse und Psychosomatik Dusseldorf e.V." Chairperson of the Institute of Psychodynamic Organizational Development + Personnel Management Dusseldorf e.V. (POP) Member of the Board of the "Institute of Analytic Supervision Dusseldorf e.V. (ASv) Member of the Board of the "Institute for Psychic Health and Prevention Dusseldorf e.V. (ISGP) Member of the University Council of the "Westfalische Hochschule"