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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

Oxford 2013

The Future of Work and the Work of Our Future

Publisher Location:

The Future of Work and the Work of Our Future

Chair: Judith Bell

Friday 12th July

7:30-8:30 Social Dreaming / Choir

9:15-9:45 Welcome, Symposium Opening

9:45-11:00 Keynote 1

Moderator: Mannie Sher

11:00-11:30 Morning Tea/Coffee

11:30-12:45 Paper Session 1 (Individual)

  • Bion's Work Group: The Wisdom of the Work Group for Assessing the Future by Elisabeth Henderson. Moderator: Mario Perini
  • Work and Its Objectives by Michael Rustin. Moderator: Ken Eisold
  • I'm Sitting Here in this Meeting but I Don't Belong by Hannah Piterman (via video link). Moderator: R. Bonnie Haber
  • On Knowing and Taking Up Your Proper Place: Perverse Solutions to Imagined Problems of Worklessness and Un(der) Employment in the Welfare State by Christopher Scanlon. Moderator: Jim Kranz
  • What Can Changes in Today's Professional Realities: Tell Us about Our Own Personal Relationship to Work: a Psychoanalytic Perspective by Gilles Arnaud,

Maryse Dubouloy, Mickaël Naulleau. Moderator: Claudia Nagel

  • The Meaning of Work in the 21st Century: a Spiritual Perspective by Naftali Brawer. Moderator: Siv Boalt Boethius

12:45-2:00 LUNCH

1:15-2:00 Book Launch:

  • 'Socioanalytic Methods: Discovering the hidden in organisations and society' edited by Susan Long AND 'Towards a Socioanalysis of Money, Finance and Capitalism: Beneath the surface of the financial industry' edited by Susan Long and Burkard Sievers.

2:00-3:15 Paper Session 2 (Individual)

  • Can We Find the Future of Work in Our Past? Work Group Mentality in a Convent by Nadine Tchelebi, Robert French, Peter Simpson. Moderator: Kathy White
  • Navigating Between Good and Evil: Working with Violent Organisations and with Violence in Organisation - a Psychoanalytic Perspective by Jo-anne Carlyle. Moderator: Howard Book
  • Feeling the Heat: Psychoanalysis, Climate Change and the Three Ecologies by Joseph Dodds (via video link). Moderator: Brigid Nossal
  • The Effects for Work and Entrepreneurship of the Positivist Self-Sufficiency Dynamic. Alternative Proposals by Joan Roma i Vergés, David Sierra Lozano. Moderator: Sarah Miller
  • Social Values, Political Beliefs and Ideological World Views: an Under-Theorised Element of Systems-Psychodynamics and their Role in Organising and Organisations by Nick Papadopoulos. Moderator: Danielle Kennedy
  • Meaning Lost and Meaning Found: Containment in Contemporary Organisations by Aideen Lucey. Moderator: Marisa Guerin

3:15-3:45 Afternoon Tea/Coffee

3:45-5.00 Paper Session 3 (Individual)

  • Interpersonal Creation of Experience: a Container Open Enough for Heidegger and Bion by Christopher Frugé. Moderator: David Armstrong
  • Dead Man Talking: the Researcher in a Dying Institution by Susan Kahn, Andreas Liefooghe. Moderator: Ute Bock
  • Forgetfulness and the Taint of Money in a Polytechnic by Kate Dempsey. Moderator: Jacqui Sirota
  • The Role of an Ageing Workforce in the Future of Work: Working Through Images of Older People and their Role in the Systems Psychodynamics of Organisational Life by Frances Abraham. Moderator: Ross Lazar
  • Extreme Work Environments: Beyond Anxiety and Social Defense by Larry Hirschhorn, Sharon Horowitz. Moderator: Roger Leman
  • Collaboration and the Future of Work by Brigid Nossal, Jennifer Gale. Moderator: Renate Grønoøld Bugge

5:15-6:00 Reflections on the Day

6:45pm Meet at St Catz reception - GALA DINNER Trinity College

Saturday 13th July

7:30-8:30 Social Dreaming / Choir

9:15-10:30 Keynote 2

  • How Can Nomadic Professionals Become Trustworthy Leaders? by Gianpiero Petrigilieri. Moderator: Susan Long

10:30:11:00 Morning Tea/Coffee

11:00-12:45 Paper Session 4 (Pair)

  • Depression and Suicide Prevention: On-line Dynamics and Experiential Learning by Matilda Hernandez, and Assessing the Dynamics of Virtual International Organisations by William Czander. Moderator: Madeline Lansky
  • Crisis! by Louisa Diana Brunner. and The Family Business and Family Capitalism: In-Depth on Construction of Drive and Modes of Consolidation by Gry Osnes,

Liv Hok, Olive How, Victoria Grady, Mona Haug. Moderator: Rose Mersky

  • A Love Affair: The Meaning of Work in a Changing World by Francesca Cardona, and An Exploration of the Impact of 'Unwork' by Kay Trainor. Moderator: Gilles Amado
  • Do More for Less: The Challenge for Healthcare into the Future by Yvonne Webb, and If You Want to Truly Change Something, Try to Understand It: Consulting to the NHS by Giray Cordan. Moderator: Tim Dartington
  • Foundering: A Transition Retreat for Non-Profit Founders by Gerard Fromm, Donna Elmendorf, and An Emancipatory Model for Building Resilience at Work: the Role of Trade Unions in Mental Health by Elizabeth Cotton. Moderator: Clare Huffington

12:45-2:00 LUNCH

1:15-2:00 Launch:


2:00-3:15 Open Space for Special Interest Groups

  • Discussion Group for those in academic teaching/research
  • Joint Ventures for ISPSO Discussion
  • Museum Visit, Walking Tour of Oxford, Punting

3:15-3:45 Afternoon Tea/Coffee

2:00-3:15 Paper Session 5 (Individual)

5:15 - 6:00 Reflections on the Day

7:00pm Dinner

8:00pm Party for all with the Jazz Cigarettes

Sunday 14th July

7:30-8:30 Social Dreaming / Choir

9:00-10:15 Paper Session 6 (Individual)

10:15-10:45 Morning Tea/Coffee

10:45-12:00 Keynote 3

12:00-1:00 Discussion:

  • Artists at Work,
  • Symposium Reflections and Closing,
  • ISPSO 2014: Santiago, Chile

1:00pm Lunch