New York 1996
Organization 2000 - Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Organization 2000 - Psychoanalytic Perspectives
Chair: Marc Maltz
Marriott Financial Hotel
The Recovery of Meaning, by David Armstrong
The Girl Who Couldn't Help It, by Jonathan Ames
Action Learning - Employing The Workplace Within, by Howard Atkins, Kamil Kellner & Jane Linklater
Resurrecting the Muse: Followership in Organizations, by David N. Berg
Published as: Berg, David N. (1998), Resurrecting the Muse: Followership in Organizations. In: Edward B. Klein, Faith Gabelnick & Peter Herr (eds.), The Psychodynamics of Leadership. Madison, CT (Psychosocial Press)
Lacanian Resources for Organizational Consulting, by Mark Bracher
The Hubris of Management, by Yiannis Gabriel
Published as: Gabriel, Yiannis (1998), The hubris of management. Administrative Theory and Praxis, 20(3), 257 - 273
Psychoanalysis and the Executive Role, by Larry Gould
Strategy, Distorted Thinking and the Sense of Shame, by Larry Hirschhorn
On the Use of Psychoanalytic Concepts in Organisational Social Science, by Lisl Klein
Separating from the Organization: Subjective Desire, Struggle and Social Responsibility in the Life of the Entrepreneur, by R. Koenigsberg
Anxiety & the New Order, by James Krantz
Published as: Krantz, James (1998), Anxiety & The New Order. In E. Klein, F. Gabelnick & P. Herr (eds.), Leadership in the 21st Century. Madison, CT
(International Universities Press)
Psychoanalysis, Discourse and Strange Lists: These are a Few of My Favourite Things, by Susan Long
Published as: Long, Susan D. (2001), Working with Organizations: The contribution of the psychoanalytic discourse. Organization and Social Dynamics Vol. 1. No.2, 174-198.
An Introduction to NetDynam, by Harriet W. Meek, Fred Bauder, Shannah Whitney & Robert M. Young
Internal consultancy, team and institutional development, by Robert Nicodemus
What Does Psychoanalytic Theory and Application Have to Offer the Women of Workforce 2000?, by Shelley Reciniello
Published as: Reciniello, Shelley (1999), The Emergence of a Powerful Female Workforce as a Threat to Organizational Identity. American Behavioral Scientist, 43(2), October, 301 - 323
Deep Time: Narrative and Immanence in Organizational Consulting, by Don Ronchi & Thomas North Gilmore
Working with Problems of Narcissism in Entrepreneurial Organizations, by Richard Ruth
The Sin of the Father: Reflections on the Roles of the Corporation Man, the Suburban Housewife, their Son, and their Daughter in the Deconstruction of the Patriarch, by Howard S. Schwartz
Published in: Schwartz, Howard (2001), Revolt of the Primitive: An Inquiry into the Roots of Political Correctness. Westport, CT (Praeger),
The Emergence and Development of a Psychodynamic Approach to Japanese Managerial Operations: The Need to Heal Japanese Mental Institutions: How to Restore the Splitted Self and Adapt to Reality, by Yukito Shimizu & Joichi Ogawa
'In My End Is My Beginning': The Changing Context of Psychoanalytically-oriented Consultancy, by Vega Zagier Roberts & Lionel F. Stapley
"Death Imagery and the Experience of Organizational Downsizing: Or, Is Your Name on Schindler's List?" by Howard F. Stein
Published as: Stein, Howard F. (1997), Death Imagery and the Experience of Organizational Downsizing: Or, Is Your Name on Schindler's List? Administration and Society 29(2) May, 222-247
Stein, Howard F. (1999), Todesvorstellungen und die Erfahrung organisatorischen Downsizing oder: Steht Dein Name auf Schindlers Liste? Freie
Assoziation 2, 155 - 185
The Emergence and Development of a Psychodynamic Approach to Japanese Managerial Operations, by Koji Takahashi
Reflections from Practice: The Interface of Psychoanalysis and Organizational Role Consultation, by Kathleen Pogue White
The Psychodynamics of Psychoanalytic Organisations, by Robert M. Young