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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

New York 1993

Key Issues in Psychoanalytic Organizational Consultancy and Research

Publisher Location:

Key Issues in Psychoanalytic Organizational Consultancy and Research

Chair: Michael Diamond

St. Moritz Hotel

Real Conflict and Fantastic Consensus in a Community Organization, by Howell Baum

The Puzzle: The Natural History of an Organizational Consultation, by Howard Stein

The Consultant's Use of the Self in Family Business Consultation, by Joseph Rosenthal, Levinson Institute & Donald Davidoff

The Nature and Value of Organizational Diagnosis, by Donald M. Levine, Brooklyn College and the Graduate School, City University of New York

Working Across Levels of Authority, by Tom Gilmore, Larry Hirschhorn & Mal O`Connor

The Impact on Health Care Delivery of Differing Organizational Cultures in British Columbia and the State of Washington, by William Gore & Meryl Dee Tsukiji, University of Washington

Time and Task in the Valley: A Case Analysis of the Torin Machine Company Buyout Effort, by Marion Mc Collom, Boston University & Jonathon Gillette

A Critical Review of Psychoanalytic Theories Used in Organizational Consultation and Research, by Laurence Gould

Secrets of Organizational Life: A Study of Collusion, by Paula Singer & Marisa Guerin

Organizational Nostalgia: Reflections on "The Golden Age", by Yiannis Gabriel
Published as: Gabriel, Yiannis (1993), Organizational nostalgia: Reflections on the golden age. In S. Fineman (ed.), Emotion in Organizations. London (Sage), 118-141.

The Intolerance of Diversity in Psychoanalytic Institutes, by Kenneth Eisold
Published as: Eisold, Kenneth (1994), The intolerance of diversity in psychoanalytic institutes. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 75(4), 785-800
Eisold, Kenneth (1999), La intolerance a la diversite dans les societes psychanalytiques. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie 5, (Winter), 87-107

Emotional Evocation in Consultation: Moving Beyond the Limitations of Countertransference, by Jeffrey Goldstein & Rose Redding Mersky

The Role of the Consultant's Bias, Values and Countertransference in Organizational Consultations, by Larry Hirschhorn