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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

New York 1988

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Unknown Title

Chair: Don Levine

William Alanson White Institute

Totalitarian Management and Organizational Decay, by Howard S. Schwartz
Published in: Schwartz, Howard S. (1990), Narcissistic Process and Corporate Decay: The Theory of the Organization Ideal. New York (New York University Press)

Communication Skills and the Psychodynamics of Organizational Change, by Michael A. Diamond
Published as: Diamond, Michael A. (1992), Communication Skills and the Psychodynamics of Organizational Change. Administration & Society, 24(l)

The Psychodynamics of Authority in a Post-Industrial Factory: Learnings from Supervisor's Seminar, by Thomas Gilmore & Larry Hirschhorn
Published as: Gilmore, Thomas N., Larry Hirschhorn & Terry Newell (1989), Training and learning in a post-industrial world. In Part III: Studies in research of instruments of change in socialization and learning at work: A new approach to the learning process in the workplace and society. Heinz Leymann & Hyu Kornbluh, eds. Aldershot, Hants, England (Avebury) ; Brookfield, Vt., USA (Gower),185 - 200.

The Puzzle of Organizational Affiliation and the Problem of Organizational Politics, by Howell Baum
Published as: Baum, Howell S. (1993), Organizational politics against organizational culture: A psychoanalytic perspective. In: Larry Hirschhorn & Carole K. Barnett (eds.), The psychodynamics of organizations. Philadelphia (Temple University Press), 33-45.

Facilitating Counterprojective Work in Leadership Transitions, by Thomas Gilmore & Don Ronchi
Published as: Gilmore, Thomas N. & Don Ronchi (1995), Managing Predecessors' Shadows in Executive Transitions. Human Resource Management, Spring, pp. 11-26.

Transitionality and Management Learning, by Gilles Amado

The Problem of Testing Psychological Models of Organizational Behavior, by Seth Allcorn

The Charismatic Personality and the Appropriate Organizational Context, by Michael Hoffman

Psychoanalytic and Non-Psychoanalytic Approaches to Work Group and Organizational Consultation: An Overview and Appraisal of Theory and Practice, by Lawrence J. Gould
Published as: Gould, Lawrence J. (1991), Using Psychoanalytic Frameworks for Organizational Analysis. In: M. F. R. Kets de Vries (ed.), Organizations on the Couch. San Francisco (Jossey-Bass), 25 - 44

The Analysis of Organizational Character, by Donald M. Levine, Department of Psychology, Brooklyn College and the Graduate School, The City University of New York ??