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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

"The Social Dream-Drawing Workshop: A Handbook for Professionals" is published!! - Book Launch 20th Jan 2023

Dear ISPSO Colleagues and Friends:

For nearly 20 years now, I have been exploring the potential value of drawing one’s dreams and sharing them with others. To that end, I devoted my doctoral studies at UWE (University of West England/ Bristol) to the development of a method I call Social Dream-Drawing (SDD). My research demonstrates that participants in SDD workshops, who are going through similar life transitions (i.e. retirement, doctoral studies, relocation), are significantly helped to cope with the anxieties and challenges inherent in these major life changes.

My book on this method has just been published by Routledge. For your interest, I am attaching a flyer describing the book, with directions on how to order it.

I want to thank the many ISPSO members who have supported me in developing this method and in writing the book. They especially include Ullrich Beumer, Francesca Cardona, Eduardo Acuna, Matias Sanfuentes, Louisa Brunner, Ruth Silver, Katya Shapovalova and Anton Zemlyanoy. I am very grateful to them and to many others.

BOOK LAUNCH - 20th Jan 2023.

I am inviting you all to the January 20th launch of my book “The Social Dream-Drawing Workshop: A Handbook for Professionals”, published by Routledge. Bob Hinshelwood and Luca Mingarelli will also be launching their new volume: “Learning from Action (working with the non-verbal)”.

This event has been organized and underwritten by the University of the West England Psychosocial Research Theme-Social Sciences Research Group. Special gratitude to Anne-Marie Cummins and Lita Crociani-Windland for their amazing support and effort to make this happen. And gratitude also to il Nodo Group for co-sponsoring this event!

For those of you actively involved in Social Dreaming and Group Relations and interested in new thinking and new extensions of these methods, you are cordially invited. And for those of you new to these methods, you will find this to be a very meaningful introduction to this world.

For my part of the program, I will tell the story of the original inspiration for drawing dreams and how, over a period of 14 years, I turned that inspiration into a method that is now being used by researchers and practitioners in our field. I will discuss the experience of simultaneously researching and developing the method, including how I worked with different groups and the key role played by one of my examiners in helping me to crystallize the value of the method. In addition, I will talk about the complicated transition from dissertation to a published volume.

The event - now closed.

I truly hope to see many of you there, in person or online!

Yours, Rose