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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

Stockholm 2007

Potential Space - A Source for Creativity and Terrifying Anxiety

Potential Space - A Source for Creativity and Terrifying Anxiety

Chairs: Siv Boalt Boethius and Renate Bugge

Stockholm, Sweden
June 25-July 1, 2007


Professional Development Workshop

Authentic Leadership - a multi-systemic approach to organizational role analysis.
Bruce Irvine and Vega Roberts (UK)

Friday June 29, 2007

08.00-09.00 Social Dreaming Matrix

09.30-10.00 Welcome and Introduction:

Burkard Sievers, ISPSO President
Siv Boalt Boethius, Annual Meeting Chair
Renate Gronvold Bugge, PDW Chair

10.00 Plenary Presentation

"A land of milk and honey, or…?"
Implementation of Potential Space thinking in a global context.
Hasse Kjellgren (Sweeden)

12.00 Parallel Paper Presentations (1)

Organizational desire and values
The space between what we have and what we would like to have.
Susan Long (Austrailia)

"They see us as the human face of the police, but are we more human than they are?"
How female police officers deal with gendered intergroup conflicts regarding the cultural position of women in the lower orders of the Danish police force.
Ase Lading (Denmark)

Teens, students and their domestic uses of multimedia:Potential space vs division of the subject.
Thibault de Swarte and Bernard Marquet (France)

Crowding out the space
The weakness of the strong leader.
Debbie Bing (USA)

Potential Space and Maternal Authority
Gerard Fromm (USA)

14.45 Parallel Paper Presentations (2)

The classroom as Potential Space
- teaching negotiation through paradox.
Laurence de Carlo (France)

Leadership, gender and generativity - a research project on open and hidden family dynamics in organizations.
Steen Visholm (Denmark)

Collective guilt as a force for change
Amy Fraher (USA)

The role of transcendent function in the management of change
Claudia Nagel (Germany)

Accidental spaces - natural occurrences of transitional space in social systems.
James Dalgleish (Australia)

Closing of the Day

Saturday June 30, 2007

08.00-09.00 Social Dreaming Matrix

09.30 Plenary Presentation

Changing a city: the figure and the ground. Exploring space between governance and community by simulating.
Jane Chapman (Australia)

11.30 Parallel Paper Presentations (3)

When a group feels intact and when it doesn't
Clinical teams in an academic health centre.
Larry Hirshhorn and Chatham Sullivan (USA)

University culture and discontents -some socio-analytic reflections on a university as a non-potential space.
Arndt Ahlers-Niemann (Germany)

Potential space and transitional objects
Implements for the understanding and management of organizational Loss Of Effectiveness (LOE).
Victoria Grady (USA)

Working from a "binocular" perspective
The structural dimension of containment in a Conference.
Lousia D. Bruner (Italy)

Public Sector value statements as Talismans against "evil"
Kate Dempsey (Australia)

14.00 Parallel Presentations (4)

Experiences in the first On-line Group Relations Conference: lessons learned.
Robert Lipgar (USA)

When the oppressed becomes the oppressor
Margaret Parish (USA)

Potential Spaces Ltd. Some thoughts of a confused manager upon anxiety in corporate life.
Claus Hohmann (Germany)

Organizational frames - an important tool in creating the potential space. A case study of a training program.
Ulrika Olsson and Marie Louise Ogren (Sweden)

Splits, extrusion and integration. Hopes, fears and realities of "Potential Space."
Mannie Sher (UK)

15.45 Parallel Presentations (5)

Hospital marketing, potential space and transitional objects in the transformation of Dutch health care
Rembrandt Zegers (Netherlands)

Allegro furioso: Survival or demise in the life cycle of a chamber orchestra.
Ross Lazar (Germany)

Peer culture - a part of the social conscious.
Britta Hogberg (Sweden)

Forum Discussions
Facilitator: Ken Eisold (USA) and Judy Levy (Isreal)

Sunday July 1, 2007

08.00-09.00 Social Dreaming Matrix

09.30 Parallel Paper Presentations (6)

Discovering "Potential Space" in times of organisational change and staff reduction
An attempt to understand how employees deal in conscious and unconscious ways with a threatening situation in their work places.
Werner Gottschall (Germany)

Implementation of potential space in management development: aspects of chance and risk
Nava Ben-Artzey Schieber (Isreal)

Headhunting: Psychodynamics of Potential Spaces created in the executive search process
Thomas Gilmore (USA)

11.15 Plenary Presentation

The meaning of Potential Space(s)
Theoretical sources and practical perspectives about work and organisational life.
Giles Armado (France)

Closing of the Annual Meeting