Quiero aprender contigo: Exploracion de la confianza y nuestra relacion con el Otro a traves del aprendizaje de las relaciones grupales y su adaptacion a la sociedad amazonica
This article aims to explore the evolution of trust through learning processes in the adaptation of group relations the Amazonian society as observed in the evolution of the Peruvian civil organization Hope of the Amazon from its founding until now. Hope of the Amazon is a civil youth organization comprised of indigenous and non-indigenous volunteers that aims to cultivate an investigative spirit in order to promote sustainable transformation of the Amazon. The organization looks to co-create spaces of learning and intercultural understanding through exploration within the fields of social responsibility and social inclusion, and through the experience of leadership, accountability, authority and love. This article is organized according to the yearly dynamics of the organization submitted to three points of analysis: (1) The construction of trust through relations with others according to notions in games and father-mother-child relations. (2) Construction of trust through relationships of leadership by analyzing the relationships between leaders themselves and leaders and members of the group. (3) Trust and Interculturality. This article demonstrates a reflection of how trust is developed in an organization that looks for co-creation of intercultural spaces of learning within a multicultural context of both indigenous and mestizo Peruvians and foreigners where occidental and Amazonian, rural and urban, indigenous and mestizo values meet, and the effect of a diversity of cosmovisions, languages, values and histories on group relations.