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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

Paris 2001

Destructiveness and Creativity in Organizations: A Psychoanalytic Perspective

Destructiveness and Creativity in Organizations: A Psychoanalytic Perspective

Chair: Gilles Amado

Jouy-en-Josas (Paris) France

The Self Destructiveness of Psychoanalysis
Ken Eisold

The Psycho-Social Analysis of Employee Commitment: How Organizations Induce and Destroy Commitment
William Czander

The Retreat: Reflections on the Psychodynamics of Destructiveness and Creativity in Changing School Culture
Daniel Frank

Getting your Tutu Wet, Stanley Gold

From Sycophant to Saboteur: Responses to Organisational Change, Linda Hambelton

The Varied Faces of Creativity: An Attempt at Integration, Differentiation and Application of Psychoanalytic Theory
Marie-Jeanne Vansina-Cobbaert

Why School Systems Resist Reform: A Psychodynamic Perspective
Howell Baum

The destructive impact of 'derision' in the hyper-rational organization
Eric Fay

Destruction of Shareholder Value: The Linking of Internal Dynamics and External Market Reactions, Thomas Gilmore, Don Ronchi, Brian Helgoe

Creativity on the Boundary, Judith Levy

Explorations into the Impact of Politics on Creativity and Destructivity in Scientific Thinking
Leopold Vansina

Socio-mental systems - towards a dialectical approach to research and consulting with organizations, Max Pagès

Psychoanalysis and organisation: a cross cultural approach, Gilles Amado

Urgency pathologies, Nicole Aubert

Merger as an Emigration: Towards the Psychology of Organizational Mergers
Halina Brunning

Adapting to the Speed of Organizational Change: Maintaining the Dialectical Interplay Between Destructive and Creative Processes
Karen Poulin, Michael Diamond

Unintegration, Disintegration, Integration, Creativity and Destructiveness, Louise Grisoni, Paul Hoggett

The Shelved Employee: Destructiveness and Creative Release, Dominique Lhuilier

Specific characteristics of the destruction instinct in contemporaneous societies and modern organisations, Eugène Enriquez

Attacks on Linking Vs. Creative Linking in Organisational Life, Hanna Biran

Negative Capability: The Key to Creative Leadership
Robert French, Peter Simpson, Charles Harvey

Contradictions and conflicts within hypermodern firms, Vincent de Gaulejac

Creation in psychoanalysis and sociopsychoanalysis, Gérard Mendel

Two Forms of Organizational Decay
Howard Schwartz

Organisational Destructivity and the Perverse State-of-Mind,
Susan Long

Creativity and Destructiveness in Health Care Reform: Introduction of a Model of 'Co-Ordinated Care', Hannah Piterman

Psychotic implications of the pension funds system:Towards a Socio-Analysis of the financial services revolution
Burkard Sievers

The Dynamics of Burnout: An Analysis From a Freudo-Lacanian Point of View
Stijn Vanheule

Destructiveness and the Loss of Creativity within a Life Cycle of Workplace Bullying, Sheila White

Passion and Group Life: Examining Moments of Creativity and Destructiveness, Larry Hirschhorn