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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

New York 1985

Second Cornell Symposium on Psychoanalytic Studies in Organizational Behavior and Experience: The Social Character of Organizations

Second Cornell Symposium on Psychoanalytic Studies in Organizational Behavior and Experience: The Social Character of Organizations

Chair: Leopold W. Gruenfeld

Cornell Medical Center - New York Hospital

The Analysis of Organizational Character, by Donald M. Levine

The Vicissitudes of Leadership: An Object Relations Perspective, by Larry Hirschhorn

Leadership in Organizations and the Capacity for Members to Think, by James Krantz
Published as: Gilmore, Thomas N. & James Krantz (1985), Projective Identification in the Consulting Relationship: Exploring the Unconscious
Dimension of a Client System. Human Relations, Vol. 38, No. 12, , pp. 1159-1177

Integrative and Comparative Critique, by Cynthia McSwain

Social Character, Values Conflict, and Psychopathology Within the Large Organisation> by Douglas LaBier

The Social Character of Bureaucracy: Anxiety and Ritualistic Defense, by Michael A. Diamond, Ph. D.
Published as: Diamond, Michael A. (1985), The Social Character of Bureaucracy: Anxiety and Ritualistic Defense. Political Psychology 6(4), December

Integrative and Comparative Critique, by Linda Smircich

Studying Social Character: Strategy and Methods, by Michael Maccoby, Richard Margolies & Jan Erik Rendahl

The Scapegoating Impulse in Organizational Consultation, by Howell S. Baum

Models of Psychoanalytic Process Consultation: Theoretical and Technical Issues, by Lawrence J. Gould

Integrative and Comparative Critique, by Gideon Kunda

Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Organizational Culture and Behavior, Michael Diamond, Leopold W. Gruenfeld, Manfred Kets de Vries, Donald M. Levine & Harry Levinson

Looking for the Black Box: A reconnaissance of Psychoanalysis in Organizational Theory, by Abraham Zaleznik