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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

Melbourne 2002

Negotiating Difference: Psychoanalytic explorations of working with the "Other" in organizations

Negotiating Difference: Psychoanalytic explorations of working with the "Other" in organizations

Chair: Allan Souter

Melbourne Hilton on the Park
Wellington Street
East Melbourne


Thursday, June 20th

9:00 - Introduction

Introduction to the Symposium by ISPSO President Susan Long and Melbourne 2002 Symposium Chair Allan Souter

9:20 - Plenary Paper
The other we might never understand if we forget that he is a stranger.
Marie Jean Vansina-Cobbaert

Moderator - Donna Lofgren

11:00 to 11:30 - Morning Tea

11:30 to 1:00 - Parallel Papers Session 1 (Convenor: Dan Frank)

A. The ethical organization and the ideal of diversity.
David Levine

B. Breaking plates: a search for recognition within the co-evolution of workplace relationships. Sheila White

C. Negotiating identity in organizations: A case study in building a university governance framework. Debbie Bing & Mario Moussa

D. "Who's in charge here?": Leadership in multiparty collaboration. Sylvia Prins

E. 'Other' links: social services under attack. David Patman

F. The other in the politics of relatedness between developed and developing (or even non-developing) countries.
Gouranga P. Chattopadhyay

Invited moderators: Jon Stokes, Anne Kemp, Tania Nahum, Linda Glassop, Hans Blom, Aaron Nurick

1:00 to 2:30 - Lunch

2:30 to 4:00 - Parallel Papers Session 2 (Convenor: Janet Fitzell)

A. Bullying phenomenon. Elizabeth Henderson

B."Wanted: Your Teenage Son" Paedophilia, Homosexuality and the Organizational Vilification of the"Other": A Socio-Analytic View on some Dynamics of Fundamentalism.
Allan Shafer

C. 'This is no place for a woman': women's 'otherness' within the English criminal justice system. Pamela Trevithick

D. Dilemmas of physicians in administrative roles: Dealing with the managerial other within.
Tom Gilmore

E. Educating the other: A paradox in the task of specifying graduate capabilities. Mike Faris

F. The exclusionary policies of 'us and them' in the IPA and psychoanalytic institutes. Douglas Kirsner

Invited moderators: Servaas Van Beekum, David Armstrong, Jan Schapper, Lionel Staply, Ed Klein, Allan Souter

4:00 to 4:30 - Afternoon tea

4:30 to 5:00 - Reflection

6:00 - Symposium Reception

Friday, June 21

9:00 to 11:00 - Plenary

Organizational responses to trauma; a whole group discussion introduced by two brief case studies following September 11th

Moderated by Stanley Gold.

9:00 to 9:45 Case Studies
9:45 to 10:30 Buzz Group discussion
10:15 to 11:00 Whole Group Discussion

11:00 to 11:30 - Morning Tea

11:30 to 1:00 - Parallel Papers Session 3 (Convenor: Aaron Nurick)

A. Team and Taboo. Stijn Vanheule & Ain Lievrouw

B. Towards a theory of organizational individuation: Integrating the 'other' from a post-Jungian perspective. Brian Feldman & Joichi Ogawa

C. The client I never met: Organizational role analysis over the phone.
Rose Mersky

D. Emotional literacy and social inclusion: A psychodynamic critique.
Terry Martin

E. Doctor! Doctor! Give me the news: Dynamics of 'other-ness' in the relationship between medical clinician and cancer patient. John Newton & Susan Long

F. Managing self and relatedness to others in a global organisation.
Jinette de Gooijer

Invited moderators: R. Bonnie Haber, Peter Fullerton, Allan Shafer, Hannah Piterman, Larry Gould, Donna Piazza Lofgren

1:00 to 2:30 - Lunch

2:30 to 4:00 - Parallel Papers Session 4 (Convenor: Stanley Gold)

A. The working through of otherness in mergers and acquisitions as seen through the lens of migration. Aine Foran & Marian O'Malley

B. Management's fear of market demands: a psychodynamic exploration. James Dalgleish

C. "Creatures of each other"? Reflections on the idea of mutual construction of the boundaries and/or barriers between society and the mentally ill.
Hebe Comerford

D. From the high potential's loneliness to the capacity "to be alone."
Maryse DuBouloy

E. Making the best of diversity: An ongoing research project on collaboration between different interest "groups".
Leopold Vansina

F. Too fast to live…Too young to die - Psychodynamics of generational conflicts obstructing integration of 'new' economy business into 'old economy' organizational immune systems. Nicola Wreford-Howard

Invited moderators: Gordon Lawrence, Jane Chapman, Allan Souter, Kathy White, Jules Savage-Milner, Thomas Hoffman

4.00 to 4.30 - Afternoon tea

4:30 to 5:00 - Reflection

Friday evening - Symposium Dinner

Saturday, June 22, 2002

9:00 to 10:30 - Parallel Papers Session 5 (Convenor: Rose Mersky)

A. How to scapegoat the leader: A refresher course (for those who do not need it).
Tom Michael

B. "Clash of the titans - powerful individuals in conflict and the role of the process consultant. Linda Hambleton

C. The "other" who is mother: Problematic maternal dynamics for women as senior managers and leaders. Suzy Nixon

D. 'Going global' - Email dynamics and the impact on owners' equity. Janet Fitzell

E. Narcissism, autism, rivalry and role transition in organizational change. John Gibney

Invited moderators: Rose Mersky, Alastair Bain, Lilian Hupkens, Ernest Fruge, Ross Lazar

10:30 to 11:00 - Morning Tea

11:00 to 12:30 - Closing Plenary Paper

Against all reason: Trusting in trust.
Burkard Sievers

Moderator Allan Souter

12:30 to 1:00 - Closure

1:00 to 2:30 - Lunch