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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

How Can We Trust Our Research And Organizational) praxes? An Epistemology of Socioanalytic Methodologies

In this paper, I will set out a proposed theory of knowledge that underlies the various socioanalytic methodologies that have been developed for use in organizations, both as instruments of research and as consulting interventions. In this paper I try to demonstrate that our roots are broader than psychoanalysis, while at the same time deeply indebted to psychoanalysis. I will briefly introduce Socioanalysis and explain two sample methodologies, the Social Photo Matrix and Social Dream-Drawing. Then I will offer 3 concepts underlying an epistemology of Socioanalysis. I will end this presentation by offering a schema connecting Peirce's theory of abductive logic to these key epistemological concepts.