AM23 Members Day
ISPSO Members Day 2023
Thursday 29th of June SAST/CEST times
This year, all ISPSO members are invited to take part in Members' Day with the AGM and the 40th Anniversary Birthday Celebrations.
10.45am-11am SAST | Opening of Members Day by ISPSO President Prof. Dr. Claudia Nagel (streamed) |
11am -12.30pm | ISPSO AGM (hybrid - online event) |
12.30pm-1.30pm | Lunch Break |
1.30pm-4pm | ISPSO 40th Birthday Celebration (hybrid - online) |
4.30pm- 6.30pm | Birthday Party (live - onsite only) |
2023 AGM
When: Thursday 29th of June 2023 SAST
Location: AGM Room (Hybrid - live onsite and online, via QiqoChat)
Please review the 2023 Annual Report beforehand - as circulated by email, in the members-only section of the website and on this site (see Reception/HELP space main TABS).
The AGM will commence immediately following Opening of Day by ISPSO President Prof. Dr. Claudia Nagel which is scheduled at 10.45 am. SAST (15 minutes before the AGM start).
The AGM start times correspond to: Johannesburg 11:00 am SAST
Duration: 90 minutes
- New York 5.00 am
- London 10.00 am
- Berlin 11.00 am (CEST)
- Moscow 12.00 pm(12:00)
- New Delhi 2.30 pm
- Singapore 5.00 pm
- Melbourne 7.00 pm
- Welcome remarks by Claudia/President
- Brief presentation of all individual board member’s reports.
- Discussion Membership “Classes” and open Members focussed debate including Q and A's to the Board
- Introduction of new members who have joined since the 2022 AM
- Farewell to leaving board members
- Introduction of new board members
- Any Other Business and official end of AGM
- Harold Bridger Award presentation
Members who have already registered for the AM2023 Symposium DO NOT need to register again here. They are automatically granted access to Members Day including the AGM.
We have provided the Annual Report 2023 (by email, on website, and on the QiqoChat AGM tab) so members have time to provide any questions which you may have before the meeting. You can, of course, ask questions during the actual AGM.
Lunch Break: 12.30-1.30 SAST
In registering for the AGM, members also have the option of accessing the ISPSO 40th Birthday Celebration event which follows, commencing at 13.30 SAST/CEST.
ISPSO 40th Birthday Celebrations
Celebration Event: 1.30pm-4.00pm SAST
Location: AGM Room (Hybrid - live onsite and online)
In this hybrid event we will celebrate our birthday with a look backwards with videos of interviews of many of our distinguished members and presidents, and we will also create a look into the future.
Registered members can view and interact - by joining the online meeting in the "AGM & Members Day Room".
A team of members is preparing this for us: Susann Naomi Israel, Brett Macfarlane, Anna Reiche, Larissa Philatova and Ekaterina Shapovalova. Afterwards we will continue the celebrations with the birthday party
Birthday Party
Birthday Party: 4.30pm - 6.30 pm SAST: Live (onsite) event only .
Birthday Cake and Drinks, music etc. organized by our AM team. A book launch with a birthday present book will complete this event.