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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

AM23 Keynote1

Keynote 1
Dr Mamphele Ramphele

Creating Spaces for Regenerative Organisations: an African Perspective

Friday 30 June 2023
11.15am-12.30pm SAST

Dr-Mar.jpg Dr Mamphela Ramphele is Co-Founder of ReimagineSA, the Chair of the Tutu IP Trust and Co- President of the Club of Rome. She is a change agent rooted in the Black Consciousness Philosophy that enabled many young people in the 1970s to self-liberate from the inferiority complex imposed by racist oppression and inspired the revival of the liberation struggle that ushered in political freedom in 1994.

She is a medical doctor (MBChB), a social anthropologist (PhD), an accomplished researcher and Co-author with Francis Wilson of Uprooting Poverty: The SA Challenge. Research on the Psycho-social impacts of poverty and inequality led to publication of six books: A Bed Called Home- Life in Migrant Worker Hostels; Steering by the Stars - Growing up in Townships; Laying Ghosts to Rest - the Legacy of Race, Class and Gender in SA; A Passion for Freedom - Autobiography; Dreams, Betrayal and Hope. She has published numerous journal and popular media articles on the Unacknowledged Legacy of Colonial Conquest, Apartheid and global inequities, and the urgent need for healing to restore our humanity as one human family and continues to promote Global Equity for a Healthy Planet.

Dr Ramphele is a global public servant sitting on numerous advisory boards, panels, and commissions. She is a sought-after speaker. She was a Vice Chancellor of the University of Cape Town, a Managing Director at the World Bank, and non-Executive Director of many large corporates and Civil Society Organisations. She is an author and recipient of many awards including 23 honorary degrees.