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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

AM23 Broadcast Schedule

AM 23 Social Events Broadcast Schedule - Streamed Only

Throughout the conference extracts of various live social events will be broadcast in a more casual way. Please bear in mind this is dependent on technology and electricity supply and could result in delays or drop outs at times.

Wed. June 28th 10:00-16:30 Immersive Experience - bus trip - extracts only
Wed. June 28th 17:15-18.15 African Welcome Experience
Thurs June 29th AGM 40th Birthday Events (partially interactive/online) see AGM room
Frid. July 30th 17:45-18:45 African Music Experience
Sun. July 2nd 15:00 - 16:30 Open Mic and Creative Expressions

Where possible we will update the schedule to indicate more exact times. This is accessible to registered AM attendees only